IVF (In vitro fertilization)

As one of the most effective forms of assisted reproductive technology, IVF specialist consists of a
series of procedures that improve fertility by preventing genetic problems and assisting with
conception. First, fertilized eggs (embryos) are collected from the ovaries and fertilized in a
laboratory. The fertilized eggs are then transferred to the uterus. Usually, IVF takes about
three weeks to complete.

During the IVF procedure, mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm
in a lab. The uterus receives the fertilized eggs (embryos). IVF usually takes about three
weeks to complete. Sometimes, however, the process can take longer.

The procedure can be done using your own eggs and your partner’s sperm, or it may involve
sperm, eggs, or embryos from a known or anonymous donor. It is possible to use a gestational
carrier, a woman with an embryo implanted in her uterus, in some cases.

There are several reasons why couples may want to consider IVF: they may have difficulty
getting pregnant through regular intercourse or they may have had trouble conceiving after
trying for many months. IVF can also be used when there are problems with one of the
couple’s own eggs – such as age or disease – or when the man has low sperm counts.

If you are considering IVF, it is important to discuss your specific needs and expectations
with infertility Specialists in Noida.

Need for IVF Treatment

Infertility is a huge problem that affects millions of couples around the world. According to
our sources, around 15 percent of all marriages are infertile. And while there are many causes
of infertility, most cases can be treated with assisted reproductive technology (ART).

IVF is the most effective assisted reproduction technology in cases of infertility, which may
be due to:

  • Advanced age of the woman
  • Decreased count of sperm and blockage causing male infertility
  • Damaged or blocked Fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Ovulation disorders, uterine fibroids
The Benefits of IVF Treatment

While there are many benefits to trying IVF treatment, some of the most significant include
the following:

1. Improved Pregnancy Rates

IVF can help improve your chances of becoming pregnant by up to 80%. This is because IVF
allows you to bypass problems occurring during natural conception, such as low sperm
counts or fertility issues.

2. Increased Chances of Having a Healthy Baby

IVF can increase your chances of having a healthy baby by up to 90%. In addition, IVF
eliminates some risks of naturally conceived babies, such as congenital disabilities or genetic

3. Reduced Risk of Miscarriage

Using assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like IVF can reduce your risk of miscarriage
by up to 75%. Miscarriage is when you miscarry before you have a full-term baby. It’s
considered one of the most common complications related to infertility treatments and can be
very heartbreaking for both you and your partner.

4. Improved Sperm Quality and Quantity

IVF specialists  can improve your sperm quality and quantity, increasing your chances of achieving a
successful pregnancy.

5. Increased Confidence in Your Treatment

Knowing that you are using the most advanced and effective treatments available can give
you increased confidence in your treatment and increase your chances of success.

So if you struggle to conceive and feel like your options are limited, don’t hesitate to explore
your options for assisted reproductive technology with the best IVF specialist  doctor in Noida.

IVF Treatment Procedure
I: Stimulation of ovaries (superovulation)
  • Fertility drugs (medicines) are given to the woman to boost egg production.

  • Blood tests are done to check the hormone levels

  • Ultrasounds are done to examine if the ovaries are performing regularly.

II: Egg retrieval/ follicular aspiration
  • This procedure is performed to collect the eggs from the woman’s body.

  • This is performed as an outpatient procedure under sedation with no incision only by using ultrasound images as a guide; a thin needle is inserted into the ovary and follicles where the eggs are present. The needle is connected to a suction device that pulls the eggs and fluid out of each follicle, one at a time.

  • The same procedure is repeated for another ovary.

  • Sometimes, laparoscopy can also be performed to remove the eggs.

  • If a woman cannot produce any eggs, then donor eggs may be used.

III: Insemination
  • Sperm and best-quality eggs are mixed together, which is called insemination.

  • An environment-controlled chamber is then used to store sperm and eggs. The sperm most often enters an egg a few hours after insemination. This process is known as fertilization.

  • In some cases, the sperm may directly be injected into the egg. This is called ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

  • Many doctors routinely do ICSI on some of the eggs, even if things appear normal.

IV: Transfer of embryo to the uterus
  • The fertilized egg divides and becomes an embryo. Laboratory staff keeps a regular check on the embryo to make sure it is growing properly. Within about five days, a normal embryo consists of several cells that divide actively.

  • 3 to 5 days after the fertilization embryos are placed into the uterus through a catheter.

  •  When an embryo implants in the womb lining and grows, it results in pregnancy.

  • If more than one embryo is placed into the uterus at the same time, then it leads to twins, triplets, or more.
Post IVF Specialist Procedure
  • Rest advise for the remaining day; most of the patients can return to normal activities by the next day.

  • The doctor recommends daily hormone progesterone for 8-10 weeks for the normal course of pregnancy and to avoid miscarriage.

  • The pregnancy test is done after 12 to 14 days of embryo transfer.

IVF is a highly effective way to help couples who are unable to conceive. If you are interested in trying this type of treatment, speak with the Best IVF specialist in Noida about your options.



In natural or unassisted conception, fertilization of sperm and egg occurs inside a woman’s body. When the fertilized embryo continues to grow inside the woman’s uterus, pregnancy results with a baby being born about nine months later.

ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology includes special medical procedures that are used to help a woman in getting pregnant.

Infertility is the inability to conceive after a year of having regular unprotected sex.

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive organs, mainly the fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries, and pelvis. PID or Pelvic inflammatory disease leads to infertility, pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Endometriosis is a painful condition wherein there is a growth of tissue outside the uterus.

Blocked Fallopian tube common cause of infertility could be due to prior reproductive surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is the retention of fluid in the chest and abdomen. Symptoms of OHSS are: abdominal pain, bloating, decreased urination despite drinking plenty of fluids, rapid weight gain (3-4 kg within 3 to 5 days), nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath.

Some warning signs after the IVF procedure are:

  • Fever

  • Pain in the pelvic region

  • Blood in the urine

  • Heavy bleeding from the vagina

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries that help thicken the uterus lining, making it easier for the embryo to implant. Too little progesterone during the early weeks of pregnancy may lead to miscarriage.

Most IVF doctors recommend implanting up to three embryos at a time, which may increase the chances of pregnancy, but it may result in multiple pregnancies.

Intracytoplasmic sperm treatment is performed in cases where the sperm count is extremely low. In this procedure, sperm is taken and directly inserted into the egg.

IVF success depends on a number of factors that are the reason for infertility, the age of the patient, and the doctor performing the procedure, etc.

Results of IVF treatment may differ from one clinic to another. The pregnancy rate reflects the number of women who became pregnant after the IVF procedure, but not all pregnancies result in a live birth. The live birth rate is the number of women who gave birth to a living child. Generally, the percentage of live birth ranges from 55 to 60 percent for a patient below the age of 35 yrs.

Unused embryos may be frozen and implanted later or donated.

It is advised to avoid a home pregnancy test since it may wrongly give a false-positive result. The specialist advises having a blood pregnancy test after 12-14 days of IVF.

If the eggs are unhealthy, you can use donor eggs.

In the IVF specialist procedure, age is considered as one of the most important determinants of success. For women of age less than 35, the success rate is around 55-60%, while for the women of age older than 35, the success rate is usually 40 to 45%. Nowadays, due to the advancement in technology, the success rate can be improved by the use of the latest techniques such as Embryoscope, ERA, and more. These technologies may account for an increase of roughly 10-12% rate in the success of IVF.

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